Bunnik lab

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The ApiAP2-L transcription factor modulates thermotolerance in malaria parasites  |  Catherine Jett, Ashley Reers, Rodriel Bautista, Mohit Gupta, Judith Starling, Aliou Dia, Ahmed Sayed, Timothy Anderson, Karine Le Roch, Evelien Bunnik & Ian Cheeseman  |  manuscript in preparation

Differences in phenotype between long-lived memory B cells against Plasmodium falciparum merozoite antigens and variant surface antigens  |  Raphael Reyes, Louise Turner, Isaac Ssewanyana, Prasanna Jagannathan, Margaret Feeney, Thomas Lavstsen, Bryan Greenhouse, Sebastiaan Bol & Evelien Bunnik  |  submitted to Review Commons  |  pdf (bioRxiv)

Combinatorial ligand-receptor interactions mediate regulatory functions of BATF3+ B cells  |  Hui Yan, Rui Wang, Suryavathi Viswanadhapalli, Christian Cervantes, Shuai Wu, Weiwei Luo, Funan He, Azad Khosh, Jingwei Wang, Maria Fernandez, Sai Vankamamidi, Karli Hinton, Uday Pratap, Mustafa Khan, Dariela Perez, Carlos Rivera, Harshita Gupta, Fushun Zhang, Zhenqing Ye, Yidong Chen, Xiao-Dong Li, Gangadhara Sareddy, Hong Zan, Yue Li, Exing Wang, Guangming Zhong, Christopher Hunter, Tyler Curiel, Zhinan Yin, Booki Min, Ross Kedl, Evelien Bunnik, Diako Ebrahimi, Siyuan Zheng, Yan Xiang, Ratna Vadlamudi, Paolo Casali & Zhenming Xu  |  submitted

Broadly inhibitory antibodies against severe malaria virulence proteins  |  Raphael Reyes, Sai Raghavan, Nick Hurlburt, Viola Introini, Ikhlaq Kana, Rasmus Jensen, Elizabeth Martinez-Scholze, Maria Gestal, Cristina Bau, Monica Fernández-Quintero, Johannes Loeffler, James Ferguson, Wen-Hsin Lee, Greg Martin, Thor Theander, Isaac Ssewanyana, Margaret Feeney, Bryan Greenhouse, Sebastiaan Bol, Andrew Ward, Maria Bernabeu, Marie Pancera, Louise Turner, Thomas Lavstsen and Evelien Bunnik  |  Nature (in revision)  |  pdf (bioRxiv)

Malaria—Why Do Mostly Children Get Sick?  |  Rolando Garza, Mischa Huson, Anakaren Garcia, Bella Gonzalez, Kenneth Musinguzi, Avani Nagaragere, Evelyn Nansubuga, Maato Zedi, Evelien Bunnik & Sebastiaan Bol  |  Frontiers for Young Minds  |  pdf


Atypical B cells consist of subsets with distinct functional profiles  |  Raphael Reyes, Gayani Batugedara, Paramita Dutta, Ashley Reers, Rolando Garza, Isaac Ssewanyana, Prasanna Jagannathan, Margaret Feeney, Bryan Greenhouse, Sebastiaan Bol, Ferhat Ay & Evelien Bunnik  |  iScience  |  pdf

Single-cell quantitative bioimaging of P. berghei liver stage translation  |  James McLellan, William Sausman, Ashley Reers, Evelien Bunnik & Kirsten Hanson |  mSphere  |  pdf

How plants make cats happy  |  Sebastiaan Bol, Jennifer Fuentes, Rolando Garza & Evelien Bunnik  |  Frontiers for Young Minds  |  pdf

Histone modification analysis reveals common regulators of gene expression in liver and blood stage merozoites of Plasmodium parasites  |  Ashley Reers, Rodriel Bautista, James McLellan, Beatriz Morales, Rolando Garza, Sebastiaan Bol, Kirsten Hanson & Evelien Bunnik  |  Epigenetics & Chromatin  |  pdf

X marks the shot against malaria  |  Raphael Reyes, Rolando Garza, Sebastiaan Bol & Evelien Bunnik  |  Immunity  |   pdf


Bol S, Scaffidi A, Bunnik EM, Flematti GR. Behavioral differences among domestic cats in the response to cat-attracting plants and their volatile compounds reveal a potential distinct mechanism of action for actinidine. BMC Biology (2022) 20:192  PDF  |  PMID: 36008824

Gonzales SJ, Clarke K, Batugedara G, Garza R, Braddom AE, Reyes RA, Ssewanyana I, Garrison KC, Ippolito G, Greenhouse B, Bol S, Bunnik EM. A molecular analysis of memory B cell and antibody responses against Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 1 in children and adults from Uganda. Frontiers in Immunology (2022) 2;13:809264  PDF  |  PMID: 35720313


Reyes RA, Clarke K, Gonzales SJ, Cantwell AM, Garza R, Catano G, Tragus R, Patterson T, Bol S, Bunnik EM. SARS-CoV-2 spike-specific memory B cells express higher levels of T-bet and FcRL5 after non-severe COVID-19 as compared to severe disease. PLOS ONE (2021) 16(12): e0261656  PDF  |  PMID: 34936684

Gonzales SJ, Bol S, Braddom AE, Sullivan RT, Reyes RA, Ssewanyana I, Eggers E, Greenhouse B, Bunnik EM. Longitudinal analysis of FcRL5 expression and clonal relationships in classical and atypical memory B cells following malaria. Malaria Journal (2021) 20(1): 435  PDF  |  PMID: 34758841

Braddom AE, Bol S, Gonzales SJ, Reyes RA, Musinguzi K, Nankya F, Ssewanyana I, Greenhouse B, Bunnik EM. B cell receptor repertoire analysis in malaria-naive and malaria-experienced individuals reveals unique characteristics of atypical memory B cells. mSphere (2021) 6(5):e00726-21  PDF  |  PMID: 34523978


Gonzales SJ, Reyes RA, Braddom AE, Batugedara G, Bol S, Bunnik EM. Naturally acquired humoral immunity against Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Frontiers in Immunology (2020) 11:594653 [Review]  PDF  |  PMID: 33193447

Morrison G, Fu J, Lee G, Wiederhold N, Canete-Gibas C, Bunnik EM, Wickes B. Nanopore sequencing of the fungal intergenic spacer (IGS) sequence as a potential rapid, diagnostic assay. Journal of Clinical Microbiology (2020) 18;58(12):e01972-20  PDF  |  PMID: 32967904

Braddom AE, Batugedara G, Bol S, Bunnik EM. Potential functions of atypical memory B cells in Plasmodium-exposed individuals. International Journal for Parasitology (2020) 50(13):1033-1042 [Review]  PDF  |  PMID: 32987039

Batugedara G, Lu MX, Saraf A, Sardiu ME, Cort A, Abel S, Prudhomme J, Washburn MP, Florens L, Bunnik EM, Le Roch KG. The chromatin bound proteome of the human malaria parasite. Microbial Genomics (2020) 6(2):e000327  PDF  |  PMID: 32017676


Bunnik EM, Venkat A, Shao J, McGovern KE, Batugedara G, Worth D, Prudhomme J, Lapp SA, Andolina C, Ross LS, Lawres L, Brady D, Sinnis P, Nosten F, Fidock DA, Wilson EH, Tewari R, Galinski MR, Ben Mamoun C, Ay F, Le Roch KG. Comparative 3D genome organization in apicomplexan parasites. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2019) 116(8):3183-3192  PDF  |  PMID: 30723152


Bunnik EM, Cook KB, Varoquaux N, Batugedara G, Prudhomme J, Cort A, Shi L, Andolina C, Ross LS, Brady D, Fidock DA, Nosten F, Tewari R, Sinnis P, Ay F, Vert JP, Noble WS, Le Roch KG. Changes in genome organization of parasite-specific gene families during the Plasmodium transmission stages. Nature Communications (2018) 9:1910  PDF  |  PMID: 29765020


Lu XM, Batugedara G, Prudhomme J, Bunnik EM, Le Roch KG. Nascent RNA sequencing reveals mechanisms of gene regulation in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Nucleic Acid Research (2017) 45(13):7825-7840  PDF  |  PMID: 28531310

Bol S, Caspers J, Buckingham L, Anderson-Shelton GD , Ridgway C, Buffington CAT, Schulz S, Bunnik EM. Responsiveness of cats (Felidae) to silver vine (Actinidia polygama), Tatarian honeysuckle (Lonicera tatarica), valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and catnip (Nepeta cataria). BMC Veterinary Research (2017) 13(1):70  PDF  |  PMID: 28302120

Khan S, Oosterhuis K, Wunderlich K, Bunnik EM, Bhaggoe M, Boedhoe S, Karia S, Steenbergen RDM, Bosch L, Serroyen J, Janssen S, Schuitemaker H, Vellinga J, Scheper G, Zahn R, Custers J. Development of a replication-deficient adenoviral vector-based vaccine candidate for the interception of HPV16- and HPV18-induced infections and disease. International Journal of Cancer (2017) 141, 393–404  PDF  |  PMID: 28263390

Batugedara G, Lu XM, Bunnik EM, Le Roch KG. The role of chromatin structure in gene regulation of the human malaria parasite. Trends in Parasitology (2017) 33(5):364-377 [Review]  PDF  |  PMID: 28065669


Bunnik EM, Batugedara G, Saraf A, Prudhomme J, Florens A, Le Roch KG. The mRNA-bound proteome of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Genome Biology (2016) 17:147 >F1000Prime Article Recommendation<  PDF  |  PMID: 27381095

Saraf A, Cervantes S, Bunnik EM, Ponts N, Sardiu ME, Chung DWD, Prudhomme J, Varberg JM, Wen Z, Washburn MP, Florens L, Le Roch KG. Dynamic and combinatorial landscape of histone modifications during the intraerythrocytic developmental cycle of the malaria parasite. Journal of Proteome Research (2016) 15(8):2787-2801  PDF  |  PMID: 27291344

Bunnik EM and Le Roch KG. Epigenetics of malaria parasites. Epigenetics and infectious diseases. (2016) Springer, edited by J Casadesus, W Doerfler, P Boehm and M Noyer-Weidner. [Book Chapter]


Bunnik EM, Lu M, Pokhriyal N, Nasseri S, Lonardi S, Le Roch KG. Analysis of nucleosome positioning landscapes enables gene discovery in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. BMC Genomics (2015) 16(1):1005  PDF  |  PMID: 26607328

Bol S, Bunnik EM. Lysine supplementation is not effective for the prevention or treatment of feline herpesvirus 1 infection in cats: a systematic review. BMC Veterinary Research (2015) 11:284  PDF  |  PMID: 26573523

Bunnik EM, Le Roch KG. PfAlba1: master regulator of translation in the malaria parasite. Genome Biology (2015) 16(1):221 [Research Highlight]  PDF  |  PMID: 26450574

Bunnik EM, Ay F, Varoquaux N, Vert JP, Noble WS, Le Roch KG. Multiple dimensions of epigenetic gene regulation in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. BioEssays (2015) 37(2):182-194 [Review]  PDF  |  PMID: 25394267

Bunnik EM and Le Roch KG. Mechanisms regulating transcription in Plasmodium falciparum as targets for novel antimalarial drugs. Analysis of parasite biology – from metabolism to drug discovery. (2016) Wiley, edited by S Muller, R Cerdan, E Guca and O Radulescu. [Book Chapter]

Polishko A, Bunnik EM, Le Roch KG, Lonardi S. PuFFIN - a parameter-free method to build nucleosome maps from paired-end reads. BMC Bioinformatics (2014), 15(Suppl 9):S11  PDF  |  PMID: 25252810

Bunnik EM, Polishko A, Prudhomme J, Ponts N, Gill SS, Lonardi S, Le Roch KG. DNA-encoded nucleosome occupancy is associated with transcriptional levels in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. BMC Genomics (2014), 15:347  PDF  |  PMID: 24885191

Bunnik EM, Ay F, Varoquaux N, Bol SM, Prudhomme J, Vert JP, Noble WS, Le Roch KG. Three-dimensional modelling of the P. falciparum genome during the erythrocytic cycle reveals a strong connection between genome architecture and gene expression. Genome Research (2014), 24:974-988  PDF  |  PMID: 24671853

Cervantes S, Bunnik EM, Saraf A, Connor C, Escalante A, Sardiu M, Ponts N, Prudhomme J, Florens L, Le Roch K. The multifunctional autophagy pathway in the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. Autophagy (2014), 10(1):80-92  PDF  |  PMID: 24275162

Bunnik EM and Le Roch KG. Plasmodium »Nucleosome«. Encyclopedia of Malaria. Springer, edited by M Hommel and PG Kremsner. ISBN 978-1-4614-8325-0. Due July 2018. [Book Chapter]

Ponts N, Fu L, Harris EY, Zhang J, Chung DWD, Cervantes MC, Prudhomme J, Atanasova-Penichon V, Zehraoui E, Bunnik EM, Rodrigues EM, Lonardi S, Hicks GR, Wang Y, Le Roch KG. Genome-wide mapping of DNA methylations in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Cell Host & Microbe (2013), 14(6): 696-706 >F1000Prime Article Recommendation<  PDF  |  PMID: 24331467

Bunnik EM, Chung DWD, Hamilton M, Ponts N, Saraf A, Prudhomme J, Florens L, Le Roch KG. Polysome profiling reveals translational control of gene expression in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Genome Biology (2013), 14(11):R128  PDF  |  PMID: 24267660

Bunnik EM and Le Roch KG. An introduction to functional genomics and systems biology. Advances in Wound Care (2013), 2(9): 490-498 [Review]  PDF  |  PMID: 24527360

Poon AFY, Swenson LC, Bunnik EM, Edo-Matas D, Schuitemaker H, van ’t Wout AB, Harrigan PR. Reconstructing the Dynamics of HIV Evolution within hosts from serial deep sequence data. PLoS Computational Biology (2012), 8(11): e1002753  PDF  |  PMID: 23133358

Wang Y, Whittall T, Rahman D, Bunnik EM, Vaughan R, Schøller J, Bergmeier LA, Montefiori D, Singh M, Schuitemaker H, Lehner T. The role of innate APOBEC3G and adaptive AID immune responses in HLA-HIV/SIV immunized SHIV infected macaques. PLoS One (2012), 7(4):e34433  PDF  |  PMID: 22514633

Yang GB, Wang Y, Babaahmady K, Schøller J, Rahman D, Bunnik E, Spallek R, Zong CM, Duan JZ, Qin C, Jiang H, Singh M, Vaughan R, Bergmeier L, Schuitemaker H, Shao Y, Lehner T. Immunization with recombinant macaque MHC class I and II, HIVgp140 and SIVp27 complex inhibits SHIV infection in macaques. Journal of General Virolology (2012), 93(7):1506-1518  PDF  |  PMID: 22492918

Bol SM, Booiman T, Van Manen D, Bunnik EM, Van Sighem AI, Sieberer M, Boeser-Nunnink B, De Wolf F, Schuitemaker H, Portegies P, Koostra NA and Van ’t Wout AB. Single nucleotide polymorphism in gene encoding transcription factor Prep1 is associated with HIV-1-associated dementia. PLoS ONE (2012), 7(2):e30990  PDF  |  PMID: 22347417

Bol SM, Booiman T, Bunnik EM, Moerland PD, van Dort K, Strauss JF 3rd, Sieberer M, Schuitemaker H, Kootstra NA, van 't Wout AB. Polymorphism in HIV-1 dependency factor PDE8A affects mRNA level and HIV-1 replication in primary macrophages. Virology (2011), 420(1):32-42  PDF  |  PMID: 21920574

Bunnik EM, Swenson LC, Edo-Matas D, Huang W, Dong W, Frantzell A, Petropoulos CJ, Coakley E, Schuitemaker H, Harrigan PR, van 't Wout AB. Detection of inferred CCR5- and CXCR4-using HIV-1 variants and evolutionary intermediates using ultra-deep pyrosequencing. PLoS Pathogens (2011), 7(6):e1002106  PDF  |  PMID: 21731496

van Gils MJ, Bunnik EM, Boeser-Nunnink BD, Burger JA, Terlouw-Klein M, Verwer N, Schuitemaker H. Longer V1V2 region with increased number of potential N-linked glycosylation sites in the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein protects against HIV-specific neutralizing antibodies. Journal of Virology (2011), 85(14):6986-95  PDF  |  PMID: 21593147

Bunnik EM, Euler Z, Burger JA, Boeser-Nunnink BD, Grijsen ML, Prins JM, Schuitemaker H. Activity of broadly neutralizing antibodies, including PG9, PG16, and VRC01, against recently transmitted subtype B HIV-1 variants from early and late in the epidemic. Journal of Virology (2011), 85(14):7236-45  PDF  |  PMID: 21561918

Mörner A, Jansson M, Bunnik EM, Schøller J, Vaughan R, Wang Y, Montefiori DC, Otting N, Bontrop R, Bergmeier LA, Singh M, Wyatt RT, Schuitemaker H, Biberfeld G, Thorstensson R, Lehner T. Immunization with recombinant HLA classes I and II, HIV-1 gp140, and SIV p27 elicits protection against heterologous SHIV infection in rhesus macaques. Journal of Virology (2011), 85(13):6442-52 >F1000Prime Article Recommendations: [1] [2] <  PDF  |  PMID: 21490092

Bunnik EM, Euler Z, Welkers MRA, Boeser-Nunnink BDM, Grijsen ML, Prins JM, Schuitemaker H. Adaptation of HIV-1 envelope gp120 to humoral immunity at a population level. Nature Medicine (2010), 16(9):995-997 >F1000Prime Article Recommendations: [1] [2] <  PDF  |  PMID: 20802498

Bunnik EM, van Gils MJ, Lobbrecht MSD, Pisas L, Nanlohy NM, van Baarle D, van Nuenen AC, Hessell AJ, Schuitemaker H. Emergence of b12 neutralization resistant HIV-1 variants during natural infection in the absence of humoral or cellular immune pressure. Journal of General Virology (2010), 91(5): 1354-1364  PDF  |  PMID: 20053822

Euler Z, Bunnik EM, van Gils MJ, Phung P, Schweighardt B, Wrin T, Schuitemaker H. Cross-reactive neutralizing humoral immunity does not protect from HIV-1 disease progression. Journal of Infectious Diseases (2010), 201(7): 1045-1053  PDF  |  PMID: 20170371

van Gils MJ, Bunnik EM, Burger JA, Jacob Y, Schweighardt B, Wrin T, Schuitemaker H. Rapid escape from preserved cross-reactive neutralizing humoral immunity without loss of viral fitness in HIV-1-infected progressors and long-term non-progressors. Journal of Virology (2010), 84(7): 3576-3585  PDF  |  PMID: 20071586

Bunnik EM, Lobbrecht MSD, van Nuenen AC, Schuitemaker H. Escape from autologous humoral immunity of HIV-1 is not associated with a decrease in replicative capacity. Virology (2010), 397(1):224-230  PDF  |  PMID: 19945135

Bunnik EM, van Gils MJ, Lobbrecht MSD, Pisas L, van Nuenen AC, Schuitemaker H. Changing sensitivity to broadly neutralizing antibodies b12, 2G12, 2F5, and 4E10 of primary subtype B HIV-1 variants in the natural course of infection. Virology (2009), 390(2):348-355  PDF  |  PMID: 19539340

Polonis VR, Schuitemaker H, Bunnik EM, Brown BK, Scarlatti G. Impact of host cell variation on the neutralization of HIV-1 in vitro. Current Opinions in HIV and AIDS (2009), 4:400-407 [Review]  PDF  |  PMID: 20048704

Bunnik EM, Pisas L, van Nuenen AC, Schuitemaker H. Autologous neutralizing humoral immunity and evolution of the viral envelope in the course of subtype B human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection. Journal of Virology (2008), 82(16):7932-7941 >F1000Prime Article Recommendation<  PDF  |  PMID: 18524815

Vermeulen JN, Prins JM, Bunnik E, Hack EC, Jurriaans S, Miedema F, Lange JMA, Schuitemaker H. Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infected therapy-naïve individuals. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses (2007), 23(11):1348-1353  PDF  |  PMID: 18184076

Bunnik EM, Quakkelaar ED, van Alphen FPJ, Boeser-Nunnink BDM, van Nuenen AC, Schuitemaker H. Escape of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 from broadly neutralizing antibodies is not associated with a reduction of viral replicative capacity in vitro. Virology (2007), 363(2):447-453  PDF  |  PMID: 17355886

Bunnik EM, Quakkelaar ED, van Nuenen AC, Boeser-Nunnink B, Schuitemaker H. Increased neutralization sensitivity of recently emerged CXCR4-using human immunodeficiency virus type 1 strains compared to coexisting CCR5-using variants from the same patient. Journal of Virology (2007), 81(2):525-531  PDF  |  PMID: 17079299

Vader LW, Stepniak DT, Bunnik EM, Kooy YM, de Haan W, Drijfhout JW, Van Veelen PA, Koning F. Characterization of cereal toxicity for celiac disease patients based on protein homology in grains. Gastroenterology (2003), 125(4):1105-1113  PDF  |  PMID: 14517794
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